Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Family Love

Lot's happening inside the womb this week! Last Sunday (8/28) I was at work and felt a ripping pain in my belly (yikes) which sent me to the hospital to make sure it was indeed a pulled ligament as my Dr. suspected. This led me to wear a maternity belt...which baby HATES. I put it on and immediately his kicking and screaming (I assume). I am carrying him so low (silly, because I have SO much room!) that the ligaments are under exceptional pressure. The belt holds up my belly a few inches and gives those muscles a little bit of relief. However, he's clearly annoyed because as soon as I put it on he starts squirming like crazy! Unfortunately, my Dr. said that I need to cut back on high traffic times at work when I am standing for long periods of time. I also can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk. This means no more night shifts and only a couple lunch shifts during the week. I knew I would have to cut back at some point but I felt a little powerless that it has come so early. I was super depressed about it immediately. I take pride in working and paying my bills. I know Dan would never blame me for a pregnancy induced "handicap" and we can survive on his income. It was simply hard to swallow the lack of control. I guess it was jarring realization that my body is truly a vessel. I have to honor what my body says I can and cannot do. Who am I to second guess what nature has provided me?

Since I have been wearing the belt almost all the time, baby has been moving A LOT. In fact, while wearing the fetal monitors at the hospital on Sunday, the nurse was surprised my little Cletus/Optimus Prime was moving as much as he was for then 24 weeks. I have been so blessed to feel is crazy flip flops and kicks since 15 weeks. My mother in law was able to feel him move yesterday. I put on the belt (am I already torturous?) and before long he was jumping and jiving. She felt him move and watched as my belly bounced all over the place. I know it was a special opportunity for her and I'm so glad baby showed his love and showed off his moves. Dan loves to feel him. It's so wonderful that he finally has a connection with his son. He talks to him and is already razzing him from the outside. If he had it his way, he would solicit fantasy football advice from Cletus...for now, Mommy has to suffer that boring conversation.

Thank you Lord for every kick to the belly button and every 45 minute run to the bathroom. It's totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I called my baby Cletus, too! The minute we found out it was a girl, my aunt iNSISTED I never call her Cletus again!
