Sunday, September 25, 2011

10 weeks?

Had the first of my bi-monthly appointments this week. Resounding declaration? The water weight has to stop. I saw the PA and she believes my water retention is a huge issue. It can be a sign of early preclampsia. My goal for the next two weeks is to curb my white sugar and flour intake but the PA doesn't seem to think the water weight gain has anything to do with my food consumption or activity level. Thank goodness because I have been really good lately! Dan and I go on 4-5 walks per week and I am eating healthier now than before pregnancy! Whatever will be, will be. This may just be a result of my heredity, but either way it's not good news. I think that has been the most shocking pregnancy discovery for me. I wanted to be, as my friend Tonya coined, a "pioneer woman". Women have been having babies for thousands of years, blah blah blah. At some point though, you need to give yourself over to God and nature and truly realize you are the host body to this baby. Not every woman is going to be able to function at 100% the whole nine months. I suppose my reality check has come sooner than most, but I still can't complain. This baby is healthy and thriving and according to the OB, coming early! Possibly in 10 weeks! He's measuring at least a week and a half ahead. I know a lot can change in the coming weeks, but it's still jaw dropping to me. Does it seem like 10 weeks is shorter than 2.5 months? Gotta get my hustle on!

This week's goal:
Dan is going to paint and work on the molding/paneling for the nursery
I need to finish painting and decorating the bassinet
We both need to start watching the birthing video online...pregnancy is so beautiful until you remember how this little tyke needs to enter the world!

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